

Class Descriptions:

Related imageActing Classes:

Beginner Acting: This class is designed for ages 5-8 for all performers interested in learning how to act. The class will emphasize on character building, theater etiquette, monologues, line memorizing, scene work, and how to put on a show from top to bottom.

Intermediate Acting: This class is designed for ages 9-12 for all performers interested in learning how to act. The class will emphasize on accents, monologues, line memorizing, public speaking, scene work, play writing, and putting on a production.

Advanced Acting: This class is designed for ages 13-18  for all performers who have had previous experience acting in a class or stage setting. The class will emphasize on character development, movement through the actor, college preparation, audition preparation, scene work, playwriting, putting on a production, acting on camera, and accent/language development.

Improvisation 101: This class is designed for actors  ages 9-13 interested in working on improvisation which is ,“something that is improvised, especially a piece of music, drama, etc., created without preparation.”

Improvisation 102: This class is a more advanced level of Improvisation 101 for ages 13 and up designed to further help them with improvisation studies for college preparation.

Audition Repertoire & Prep: This class is for ages 12 and up for those interested in gaining a better understand of how to audition and preparation for repertoire.

Image result for music notes

Musical Theater Classes:

Musical Theater 1B/A This class is designed for ages 4-7 for all performers interested in learning how to act, sing, and dance. The class will emphasize on using the vocal instrument, learning songs, theater etiquette, monologues, line memorizing, scene work, and how to put on a show from top to bottom as well as  dancing, acting, and singing while on stage.

Musical Theater 2B:   This class is designed for ages 7-9 for all performers interested in learning how to act, sing, and dance. The class will emphasize on using the vocal instrument, learning songs, theater etiquette, monologues, line memorizing, scene work, how to put on a show from top to bottom, audition preparation, musical theater dance styles throughout history, and the triple threat of acting, dancing, and singing while on stage.

Musical Theater 2A: This class is designed for ages 10-13  for all performers interested in learning how to act, sing, and dance. The class will emphasize on using the vocal instrument, learning songs, theater etiquette, monologues, line memorizing, scene work, how to put on a show, audition preparation, musical theater dance styles throughout history, and fine tune the triple threat of acting, dancing, and singing while on stage.

Musical Theater 3-4: This class is designed for ages 14-18  for all performers interested in learning how to act, sing, and dance. The class will emphasize on using the vocal instrument, learning songs, theater etiquette, monologues, line memorizing, scene work, putting on a production, audition preparation, musical theater dance styles throughout history, and the triple threat of acting, dancing, and singing while on stage. This class will help with audition preparation for college and repertoire readiness.

Songs & Scenes: This class is for ages 12 and up for those interested in gaining a better understand of how to audition and preparation for repertoire.

Musical Theater Dance: This class is designed for students interested in just learning specific Musical Theater Dance styles and learn about the choreographers who created them!

Image result for paint brushVisual Art Classes:

Art level 1: In this class  for ages 8-12 we will be learning the basics of sculpting forms with clay. Using mostly our hands but also various sculpting tools, we will build cartoony animal figures. When working small, clay is a flexible and forgiving medium; which is perfect for a beginning sculptor.  We will sketch and color some of our favorite characters. Tapping into our artistic side, we will recreate iconic characters using pencil, paper, and markers. Using various free-thinking techniques and exercises we will train our creative side to come alive through canvas painting, oils, chalk and more!

Art Level  2:  This class is designed for ages 13 and up. It is similar to Art Level 1 in that it will use all those forms of art but will focus on harder pieces to be exposed in an art gallery. This class intends to help students get ready for portfolio building for college as well.

Paint with Me: Similar to “Tints, tones, and shades”. However this child class will focus less on color theory and more on experiencing painting as an expression of yourself. Students will paint an object of their choosing. (eg. fruit, flower, soccer ball, sun, etc.)

Pixel Gaming Art: In this class we will be exploring the amazing world of pixel art. Pixel art is a style of video game design, seen in classics like Mario and Zelda. Pixelated images were required because the video game hardware at the time wasn’t capable of displaying high quality images. However, this retro art style is widely used in modern day video games because of the nostalgia it invokes. Prerequisites: Some artistic experience. Student Expectations: Use markers to fill in the squares of graph paper to create a pixel art character.

iPhone Photography: In this class we will explore the simple but powerful features that an iPhone camera has to offer. We will learn proper composition and lighting but also how to edit and enhance already taken photographs. There is no substitute for a professional camera but this class is not geared toward the professional; It is for the individual seeking more knowledge of how to take better pictures with this popular device.

Other Classes for Ages 0-5:

FitFun: Staying active is super important up North where  during the winter we get snowy days and some ice.  Please join us for FitFun and make your bodies feel nice! We will march, jump, run and skip all while using different objects in class to keep our bodies Fit! FitFun is an encourage!

PlayGroup: Little ones Still have Energy! Come join us for a 45 minute free play fun class. Enjoy time with classmates and friends! Let that energy loose through our fun bouncy space as we have guided obstacles set up for your little one to explore!

Fun With Instruments: Create a Song with Miss A! Together through various instruments we will create music through improvisation and learn all about music theory for beginners! This 45 minute class is great for little one who have interest in instruments and making music!

Language Classes:

Talk through ASL:  Learning languages is lot’s of fun!  If your little one already grew up knowing some ASL let’s have them learn how to hold a conversation using the signs they know and learning many more weekly! The ability to speak with your hands is tremendous!  Let’s sign!

Teach Me Italian: Ciao! Welcome to Italy!  Have you always loved the Italian Language? Then, meet us weekly as we explore the language and culture of Italy! The class is designed to show any little artist who can speak that speaking in another language is FUN!

Teach Me Spanish : Hola!  Spanish is now the most spoken non-English Language in USA! Then, meet us weekly as we explore the language and culture in many ways! The class is designed to show any little artist who can speak that speaking in another language is FUN!

Together we ASL: More Please! Did you know that your child will most likely communicate with you using their hands before it’s lovely voice? Come to class as we’ll allow them to learn the easy fun and exciting signs for Share, Friends, Please and Thank you, and more!  This ability to speak with their hands will give them courage to communicate without getting confused!